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Jazz Kagura in the evening of Bunka No Hi
Kagura is a form of sacred music and dance practiced as ritual before the kami, the indigenous deities of Japan. Kagura is not only the oldest type of music and dance in Japan, it is also regarded as the most ancient form of kami ritual.
Fukuoka is one of areas in Japan where kagura is well preserved. There are six kagura teams and one amateur jazz band in Buzen, a Fukuoka city. They collaborate to create modern style of kagura.
Buzen city is a home of former Governor George Ariyoshi’s father. Mr. Motohide Goto, the Mayor of Buzen City visited Hilo in February 2015 and met with officials and representatives of County of Hawaii and various organizations including JCAH. In May 2015, George Ariyoshi was invited to the 60th anniversary of municipality of Buzen and visited the grave of the Ariyoshis and the elementary school from which his father graduated from.
To deepen the relationship with Hawaii and Hilo, forty kagura and jazz players from Buzen will demonstrate avant-garde “Jazz Kagura” as Bunka No Hi Cultural Event at Sangha Hall in the evening of November 14. Doors will open at 5:15 p.m. and the event starts from 6 p.m. Food concession is available. Tickets are available to JCAH members with a discounted price. Please see the order form inserted in this newsletter.