The deadline has changed!
Schools Qualified
Any accredited College or University in the USA or Japan.
To increase access for high school graduates and post-secondary students from the Island of Hawai`i whose interest is primarily in Japanese studies.
Qualifications of Applicant:
Resident of East Hawai`i (Waimea-Naalehu). Preference will be given to graduating seniors whose major or minor is in Japanese studies. Post-secondary students, formerly from the island of Hawaii may also be considered.
Enrolled or planning to enroll at a college or university.
Preference will be given to an applicant whose parent or guardian is a member of good standing of the Japanese Community Association of Hawai`i.
Academic merit as demonstrated by a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Some degree of financial need, not necessarily determined by federal guidelines.
Two letters of reference.
Number and Amount of Awards:
Scholarships of $1500 will be awarded to graduating High School seniors annually.
Former scholarship recipients may be eligible for scholarships.
Filing of Application:
Part A. Application form
Part B. Parents’ Confidential Statement
Part C. Personal Letter, Data Sheet, and Transcript
Part D. Letters of Recommendation
Application must be postmarked on or before, Friday, May 29, 2020 and mailed to JCAH, 714 Kanoelehua Ave., Suite 202, Hilo, HI 96720.
Or Email must be received by Friday, May 29, 2020. Email:
Judging shall be conducted by the Scholarship Committee of the Japanese Community Association of Hawai`i.
The decision of the Judges is final.
JCAH Scholarship Application and Criteria UPDATED! If you are not able to download the file, call the JCAH office at 969-6437 or email