by Mike Miyahira
April 2020
Our world has been turned inside out by the Covid19 virus crisis. Social distancing and shelter in place restrictions have affected the events that we had planned to hold during the second quarter of 2020.
The Nikkei Kigyo dinner that celebrates multi-generational businesses has been rescheduled to Friday, August 7,2020. We hope that we will be beyond the Coronavirus by then.
Kodomo no Matsuri, originally scheduled for May 2, has been cancelled. We will look into the possibility of holding it later this year.
Our Board meetings for April and May have been cancelled. We were reminded that many of us fall into the ‘elder’ category and have acted accordingly.
The Ireito Service, scheduled for Sunday, August 23, has not been affected so far. We hope that the date is far enough into the future that conditions will have returned to normal by then.
These cancellations and event rescheduling are necessary to protect everyone’s health. I hope that all of you remain healthy and unaffected by this pandemic.
The US Census 2020 is upon us and I ask that all of you respond to the request for household information. The federal government uses these statistics to determine a number of things including how much aid and support that each state receives. So it’s important that the census accurately reflect our population.
You should have received a mailer by now. If you haven’t, you can still participate by going to:
Please take social distancing practices and shelter in place measures seriously. I hope to see all of you, after this is over, in good health.
Ja mata ne.