Lily T. Nakao, Chigiri-e instructor from Oahu died on June 8th at the age of 94.
Ms Nakao's relationship with JCAH dates back to 2002. Being affiliated with the Hakubi Kimono School of Japan, Ms. Nakao was instrumental in bringing the Hakubi Kimono Show to Hilo in 2002 and 2007. From 2007 through 2019, at her own expense, she volunteered to teach the art of Chigiri-e in Hilo at the request of JCAH. JCAH gave her annual "orei" for her volunteerism. Due to poor health, her classes ended in 2019 and a "farewell gift" was presented to her. Ms. Nakao and her students have participated in JCAH's Kodomo No Matsuri and Bunka No Hi, where she was recognized as a "Cultural Treasure."
An example as to how special JCAH's relationship was with Ms. Nakao, outside of Oahu, she only taught Washi Chigiri-e classes in Hilo.
Lily Nakao will always be remembered as being extremely generous, kind, loving and someone who had a special place in her heart for the Big Island.
Lily T. Nakao, left, at the last washi chigiri-e class in Hilo in 2019 with our past presidents Jan Higashi and Mike Miyahira.